For better justice

Top Criminal Lawyer In Gurgaon

Our team of dedicated and experienced lawyers are passionate about using the law as a tool for positive change, and we strive to make a real difference

Top Criminal Lawyer In Gurgaon

At AM Legal, we are renowned for harnessing the law as a tool for positive change across Delhi, and now we extend our dedicated legal services to Gurgaon. Our experienced team of criminal lawyers is committed to delivering justice and upholding the law with integrity and expertise. If you’re seeking the best criminal lawyer in Gurgaon, look no further than AM Legal led by Advocate Anant Misra.

Why Choose AM Legal?

Choosing AM Legal led by Advocate Anant Misra means opting for a law firm that combines decades of legal expertise with a modern approach to legal challenges. Founded by the esteemed Anil Misra, a former IAS officer with a rich background in both public service and legal practice, our firm stands out for its in-depth understanding of technology, intellectual property, and criminal law. Clients trust us for our transparent and result-oriented legal service, making us one of the best criminal lawyers in Gurgaon.

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Our Criminal Law Services in Gurgaon

AM Legal, led by Advocate Anant Misra and his expert team of lawyers offers a comprehensive range of criminal law services in Gurgaon, tailored to meet the needs of both individuals and corporate clients. From white-collar crimes to domestic violence cases and drug charges, our experienced criminal defence team provides robust representation in all criminal matters. We are equipped to handle cases at every level, from the district courts to the Supreme Court.

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Understanding Criminal Law in Gurgaon

Criminal law can be complex and intimidating. At AM Legal, we simplify this for our clients by providing clear, concise legal advice and representation. We handle a variety of charges, ensuring that our client’s rights are protected at every step of the legal process. Our proactive legal strategies are designed to manage and mitigate any legal issues that arise in the bustling city of Gurgaon.

Our Expertise

  • White Collar Crimes: Our legal team has significant expertise in managing sophisticated white-collar criminal cases, including fraud, embezzlement, and corporate theft. We provide discreet and effective legal solutions that protect our clients’ reputations and interests.
  • Domestic Violence and Assault: We understand the sensitivity required in handling cases of domestic violence and assault. Our approach is compassionate yet assertive, ensuring justice for victims and defending the accused with utmost diligence.
  • Drug Charges and Violations: Facing drug charges? Our lawyers are skilled in navigating the nuances of narcotics law, defending clients against possession, trafficking, and other drug-related charges.
  • Theft and Robbery: We offer expert defence for individuals accused of theft, robbery, and related crimes, ensuring a fair trial and the best possible outcome.
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Our Legal Process

At AM Legal, we understand that facing criminal charges can be daunting and stressful. That’s why our legal process is designed to be transparent, supportive, and effective, ensuring that our clients feel confident and informed at every stage. Here’s how our legal process works:

Initial Consultation

  • Understanding Your Case: The process begins with an initial consultation where we discuss the details of your case. During this meeting, we gather all relevant information, understand the circumstances surrounding the charges, and assess the evidence.
  • Legal Advice: Based on the initial assessment, we provide strategic legal advice tailored to your specific situation. We outline possible legal avenues, potential outcomes, and the steps involved in pursuing your defence.

Case Preparation

  • Evidence Review: Our team thoroughly reviews all available evidence, identifies any gaps, and determines the need for additional investigation. This might involve gathering documents, interviewing witnesses, or working with forensic experts.
  • Legal Strategy Development: We develop a comprehensive legal strategy that aligns with the specific nuances of your case. This strategy is designed to present a robust defence or negotiate the best possible outcome.

Court Representation

  • Pre-Trial Assistance : Before the trial, we assist in documentation and evidence review. We systemise and  assist in strategy building for the trial..
  • Trial Advocacy: If your case goes to trial, our skilled lawyers represent you in court, ensuring that your side of the story is heard. We advocate vigorously on your behalf, challenging the prosecution’s case and presenting compelling evidence and arguments.
  • Continual Updates: Throughout the court proceedings, we keep you informed of all developments. Our team is available to answer questions and provide reassurance, ensuring you understand each step of the process.
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Post-Trial Support

  • Sentencing and Appeals: If the trial does not go in your favour, we assist with sentencing negotiations to minimize the impact. We also handle appeals, seeking to overturn unjust verdicts or reduce penalties.
  • Ongoing Legal Advice: Even after the completion of a trial, we remain available to offer legal advice and support, particularly if new legal issues related to the case arise.

Long-Term Legal Relationship

  • Future Legal Needs: We aim to establish a long-term legal relationship with our clients. Whether you face new legal challenges or need advice on related legal matters, our team is ready to assist you.
  • Legal Education: We believe in empowering our clients by providing them with knowledge about their legal rights and the criminal justice system. This includes offering workshops, informational materials, and updates on relevant legal changes.

Contact Us

Ready to discuss your case with the best criminal lawyers in Gurgaon? Contact AM Legal today to schedule a consultation. Our team is ready to assist you with your legal needs and ensure the best possible outcomes.

AM Legal looks forward to serving you in Gurgaon with the same dedication and excellence that define our practice in Delhi.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What types of criminal cases does AM Legal handle in Gurgaon?

Ans: AM Legal handles a wide range of criminal cases, including white-collar crimes, domestic violence, drug-related offences, theft, and robbery. We provide comprehensive legal representation across all levels of criminal litigation.

Q2. How can I contact AM Legal for a criminal case in Gurgaon?

Ans: You can contact us through our website, via email at, or by phone at +91 11 47781149. We are available to discuss your case details and arrange a consultation.

Q3. What should I do if I am arrested for a criminal charge in Gurgaon?

Ans: If you are arrested, it is crucial to seek legal representation immediately. Contact AM Legal (Mr Anant Misra) to ensure your rights are protected throughout the legal process. Our experienced criminal lawyers will provide you with the necessary legal support and guidance.

Q4. Can AM Legal help with bail applications in Gurgaon?

Ans: Yes, our legal team is experienced in handling bail applications, including regular bail, anticipatory bail, and interim bail. We assist clients in navigating the complexities of bail proceedings to secure their rights and freedom during the legal process.

Q5. What makes AM Legal different from other criminal law firms in Gurgaon?

Ans: AM Legal is distinguished by our founder’s extensive legal and technological expertise, our commitment to transparency and integrity, and our results-driven approach. Our firm is highly regarded for providing personalized legal services and achieving successful outcomes for our clients.

Our Team

Anant Misra


Somya Jaitly


Devika Gaur



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